Information for children & teens

If you're under 19, your parents or guardians will handle the family law issues that involve you. If they can't agree on issues about your support or care, a judge might have to make decisions for them. This will always be done with your best interests in mind.

Here's some information on family law issues most commonly asked by children and teens.

I want to get the COVID-19 vaccine but my parents don’t agree. I’m 14 years old. Can I get it anyway?

Yes, you can get the vaccine if a doctor or other healthcare provider believes that you understand:

  • why you need the vaccine, and
  • the benefits and risks of getting (or not getting) the vaccine.

If you are capable of understanding this information, you can get the vaccine without your parents' or guardians' consent. For more information, see Do you need your parents' permission to get medical care?

Can you be a guardian of your younger siblings?

You might be able to apply to be a guardian of your younger siblings if you're 19 or over and it's in their best interests that you are.

Can you sue your parents for support?

Find out if you can sue your parents to make them pay child support.

Do you need your parents' permission to get medical care?

Learn about your rights to medical care and privacy if you're under 19.

If your parents separate, can you decide who you want to live with?

Information about how the court will decide who you live with if your parents separate.

Why see a lawyer about your plan of care prepared for the court?

Information for young people 12 to 18 who've been asked to agree (in writing) to a plan of care by a social worker for the Director of Child Welfare.

Is That Legal?

This resource explains what the law says about online youth safety. Find support and legal help if you or someone you know is involved in:

  • taking intimate images,
  • sharing intimate images,
  • cyberstalking, and
  • sexual exploitation.

Get more help

The Child and Youth Legal Centre provides free and confidential legal help for young people who are experiencing problems related to family law, child protection, human rights, and other legal issues.